MovableBlog: Asides

Anil says they released open source code before, but I still distinguish between code released as open source by companies and code released by the company's employees. (See my comment at for what I mean, though the discussion is unrelated to 6A.)

Posted by Richard on January 5th, 2005 at 11:31 PM.

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That's a totally valid point, Richard, but something like the standalone TrackBack release was an official company release. Doesn't that count?

Posted by: Anil Dash [TypeKey Profile Page] on Jan. 6th, 2005 at 1:27 AM.

Absolutely. I'm not suggesting (e.g. in Microsoft's case as well as 6A's) that when employees release code under their own name, that the company doesn't approve of it. I'm just saying that the reverse (that necessarily when an employee releases open source code, it has the company's endorsement) is not necessarily true.

Also (just for the record), I see no reason to doubt that Six Apart believes in the concecpt of open source and open standards and also see nothing wrong with companies supporting both an open source-based product and a closed-source based product.

Posted by: Richard [TypeKey Profile Page] on Jan. 6th, 2005 at 1:39 AM.

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