MovableBlog: Edit This Entry in MT
Nuance 2.0
May 18, 2003
Excellent! There is a PHP solution to 'Edit This Entry' in MT. Now there can be 'Edit" links can be dynamically created based on a user's (you, the blog owner) IP address. A friend and I investigated using the cookie generated by MT to verify that a user is logged in, but evidently the script needs to be in the MT directory.
Of course, you could cheat and edit the cookie in your browser to be valid for the / directory instead of just the MT directory...
Posted by: Scott Hanson | May 18, 2003 09:30 PM
Well, I was going to post my solution as a comment here, but it kept getting longer, so I just blogged it and trackbacked instead. :)
Posted by: adam | May 19, 2003 10:15 PM