MovableBlog: Saying Goodbye to Blogger

Nuance 2.0

January 30, 2003

How has Blogger changed your life?: "Today I say goodbye to Blogger and Blogger Pro. I've finally come to a decision. I've finally made the leap to Moveable Type. It's a strange sensation - knowing that I won't be seeing that comforting black, blue and red site each and every day."

Post your comments about how Blogger changed your life. Basically the same as Tom: through Blogger (in my initial stage of Blogging before switching to MT), I met a lot more friends (and enemies) than I thought I would.

[via Anil]

Posted by Richard at 5:01


Strangley, I never used Blogger except for BlindDateBlog (so it was not my choice), I went from doing it by hand to Greymatter (remember that?) to MT... but now what's next? TextPattern? or Postmaster? So many choices!